- Abandoned Baby Pattern
- Accumulation
- Advance-Decline Line (A/D Line)
- Adverse Excursion
- Advisory Services
- Alpha
- American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
- Andrews Pitchfork
- Arbitrage
- Arms Index
- Astrophysical Cycle
- At-the-Money
- Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)
- Average Option
- Average True Range
- Back-Testing
- Backwardation
- Basis
- Basis Points
- Basket Trades
- Bear Market
- Bear Spread
- Bear Trap
- Beta (Coefficient)
- Bias
- Bid
- Binary Option
- Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model
- Block Trades
- Blow-off Top
- Book Entry Securities
- Boolean
- Breakaway Gap
- Breakout
- Broadening Formations with Flat Bottom
- Broker
- Bull Market
- Bull Spread
- Call Option
- Callable Bond
- Candlestick Charts
- Cap
- Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Capital Market Line
- Carrying Charge
- Carryover
- Cash Commodity
- Cash Settlement
- Certificate of Deposit (CD)
- Chaikin Oscillator
- Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
- Channel
- Chaos Theory
- Charting
- Closeout Netting
- Collateral
- Commission Fee
- Commodity
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
- Comparative Relative Strength
- Confirmation
- Congestion Area or Pattern
- Consolidation
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Contango
- Continuation Chart
- Continuation Pattern
- Contrary Opinion
- Convergence
- Correction
- Corrective Wave
- Cost of Funds Index
- Covered Write
- Crop (Marketing) Year
- Crop Reports
- Cup and Handle
- Current Yield
- Curve-Fitting
- Customer Free Balances
- Cycle
- Cyclical Investing
- Daily Trading Limit
- Data Preprocessing
- Day Traders
- Deliverable Grades
- Delta
- Demand Index
- Derivatives
- Diffusion Index
- Distribution
- Divergence
- Doji
- Double Bottom
- Double Top
- Dynamic Data Exchange
- Electronic Communications Network
- Elliott Wave Theory
- Engulfing Pattern
- Envelope
- Equilibrium Line
- Equilibrium Price
- Equivolume Chart
- Evening Star Pattern
- Exponential Moving Average
- Fade
- Failure
- Failure Swings
- Fast Market
- Fibonacci Ratio
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Flags
- Front Running
- Fundamental Analysis
- Futures Contract
- Gamma
- Gap
- Greeks
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Gross National Product (GNP)
- Harami
- Head and Shoulder Bottom
- Head and Shoulders Top
- Hedge
- High Yield Bond
- Hook Day
- Horizontal Spread
- Hypothecation
- Implied Volatility
- Impulse Wave
- In-The-Money Option
- Inside Day
- Insider
- Interest Rate Swaps
- Intermarket Analysis
- Intrinsic Value
- Inverse Head and Shoulders Patterns
- Irregular Flat
- January Effect
- Junk Bond
- Kalman Filters
- Key Reversal Day
- KST (Know Sure Thing)
- Lag
- Lag
- Law of Demand
- Law of Supply
- Leverage
- Limit Order
- Limit Price Moves
- Liquidity
- Local
- Locked Limit
- Long Position
- Margin
- Margin Call
- Market Maker
- Market Order
- Market Sentiment
- Market Value
- Maximum Entropy Method (Spectrum Analysis)
- Members
- Mode
- Momentum
- Money Supply
- Monowave
- Moving Average
- Moving Average Convergence/ Divergence (MACD)
- Moving Average Crossovers
- Municipal Bonds
- Naked Call
- Naked Put
- Neckline
- Negative Divergence
- Neural Network
- Non-confirmation
- Odd-Lot Shorts
- Odd Lots
- Offer
- On Balance Volume (OBV)
- Opening Range
- Option
- Oscillator
- Out-of-the-Money Option
- Out Trade
- Outside Day (Bar)
- Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market
- Overbought Condition
- Overbought/Oversold Indicator
- Oversold Condition
- Par
- Pennant
- Phasor
- Pinocchio (bar) Day
- Point and Figure Technique
- Position
- Price /Earnings Ratio
- Price Limit Order
- Price Patterns
- Primary Market
- Put Option
- Rally
- Random Walk
- Range
- Rate of Change
- Rate of Return
- Reaction
- Rectangles
- Rehypothecation
- Relative Strength
- Relative Strength Index
- Repo
- Resistance
- Retracement
- Reversal Stop
- Risk Factor
- Rotation
- Saucer Base
- Seasonality
- Secondary Distribution or Offering
- Secondary Market
- Secular
- Secular Trend
- Security
- Selling Short
- Semilog
- Settlement Price
- Settlement Risk
- Shaved Candlestick
- Short Covering
- Short Interest
- Short Interest Ratio
- Short Position (Interest)
- Short Selling
- Signal Line
- Simple Moving Average
- Sine wave
- Smoothing
- Specialist
- Speculators
- Spot Month
- Spot Price
- Spread
- Standard Deviation
- Stochastics Oscillator
- Stock Index
- Stock Index Futures
- Stop and Reverse (SAR)
- Stop-Limit Order
- Stop Loss
- Stop Order
- Strike Price
- Support
- Swings
- Technical Analysis
- The measure of the annual return on an investment.
- Theta
- Tick
- Tick Indicator
- Time Limit Order
- Trade Balance
- Trading Range
- Trailing Stop
- Trend
- Trend Channel
- Trendline
- Triangle Patterns
- Triangular Moving Average
- True Range
- Tweezer Bottoms and Tops
- Two Day (bar) Reversal
- U.S. Treasury Bill
- U.S. Treasury Bond
- U.S. Treasury Note
- Variable-Length Moving Average
- Vertical Spread
- Volatility
- Volume
- Wave
- Wave Cycle
- Wedge
- Whipsaw
- Williams' %R
- Yield
- Yield Curve
- Zig Zag as an Overlay
- Zigzag in Elliott Wave Analysis